Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 90 - February 19, 2013

I'd like to dedicate this blog to my assistants. One in particular helped save my life the day I had my injury, brain bleed.

Hi everybody. You know, I always tell these stories because I've laid on my back for about 4 years now. It's good to remember things to get you through the tough stuff. I'm going to name this week's blog, "Promises, Cherrypickers and the Authorities."

I'll tell a few random stories to begin.

There's a few things I really can't tell you. One story I won't tell because I made a promise not to tell. I will tell it involves warriors and a war party hunting me. Have you ever been hunted? It's not a comfortable feeling.

There's a couple of stories I can tell. The next story involves a cherry picker. I was in the desert. It never rains in the desert right? Well, not when I went there. It was like the first time in ten years that it rained where I was. I was on a commercial photographic shoot. I was supposed to photograph a girl from above. I was going to be on a cherry picker. It was a big production. A commercial job. Well, it was raining and the client was freaking out. He started to say, "What are we going to do?" I said, "Just wait a minute." I went back to my room and closed the door. I said, "Holy shit, what am I going to do?" I started freaking out. I said, "Calm down." I turned on the TV. I turned on the weather channel. I saw it was sunny in Puerto Rico. I said, "Ah Ha! Let's all go to Puerto Rico!" I went out and I confidently said to the art director, the client, I said, "We're all going to Puerto Rico." He calmed down. He said, "OK good idea." I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Well, we got on the plane early that morning, and we were shooting by the afternoon. On the way to the beach, I saw some house painters using a cherry picker. I gave my assistant $100 cash. I said, see if they would come over for about 2 hours and hang out with the cherry picker. They showed up and the shoot went great, thank God. I had a good margarita that night.

Well, the next story, I really can't tell because I don't want the authorities knocking on my door. No one got hurt, it's just that, well, I can't tell you.

One more story I can't tell you because I don't kiss and tell. Not to anybody. That's it. 

I'm going to talk a little bit about Traumatic Brain Injury. You know, when you're like this and you have a Traumatic Brain Injury, you can't let the rest of your life go by. Just this morning I went to the dermatologist. I had to get my body checked. I wouldn't be surprised if I survived a brain injury only to be taken by a bad mole. Anyway, the checkup went really good and I'm fine. The point is, keep everything up: the dentist, other doctors, etc.  My friend here pointed out, I probably really couldn't go before. And it's true. It was a lot of effort to go right now. Imagine a few months ago. No way I could have gone. So that right there is progress. I keep going on and on how I feel like I'm not getting better, but little things like that are baby steps. It's easy to become frustrated cause you're living your injury day to day, but people, they come by every once in a while, remark how I'm making progress. It's another good reason to have visitors stop by.

When you're in a condition like this, it's really good to have a project or keep busy. The other day we joined AAA and they sent me a bunch of maps and books. I can't really see but I have the stuff read to me. It's basically a bunch of stuff to get me ready for the big trip coming up. I'm going to go see my daughter and go out west. It should be a fun project. I'm also doing it to show people, even if you have a brain injury, you can still stand up to challenges. I guess before I had challenges like records for running, surfing big waves and dangerous stuff. This will kind of be the same thing but in a different light. I mean, hell, it's just a challenge to sit up. That reminds me, I want to tell you guys something I just found out. You know, when you get up from sleeping, it can be real difficult. You know how you feel a little groggy when you wake up from a nap, well, holy shit, this is crazy feeling like I do when I wake up. It's tough to wake up. So don't be surprised if you feel like hell when you wake up and you're like I am. Nothing surprises me anymore. It's all uncharted territory. Every day I feel different. Hell, a bunch of big elephants could walk by, I wouldn't even flinch. So basically, don't be surprised by new things.

Anyway, that's about it for this week. Not much else to really tell. If you have a brain injury, keep working hard. I'm going to have my friend here link my trip I'm planning for and some cartoons I did back in the day. I hope I can get back to doing cartoons. I miss it almost as much as I miss playing the guitar. Talk to you next week. Love, B. Nice.

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