Sam came back to visit me for 2 whole weeks. Yay! It’s been great having her here. My
Mom & I talked about activities for her. It’s been a lot of work but we seem to have a
good list of things for her to do with me. I try to get involved as best I can. Considering
my condition. I do a lot of watching right now. But it’s great to see her play. She sucks
the life out of me though. I have a full time baby sitter. That helps a lot. And I have my
aids help me. That helps a lot.
While Sam was away at camp, I went to my therapy, and they kicked my butt today. It’s
hard work. Any car or van movement seems to really affect me. It’s not car sickness,
but it’s like being totally out of it. Really tired and lethargic. It’s also been very hot and
humid out. That seems to affect me as well. Stay cool.
It’s great to be home and not at a rehab hospital. But, it’s also very difficult. Imagine,
I’m 50, living at home. I have no one to talk to but the dog. And the dog talking back.
Just kidding. It is tough to see your parents getting old. I think I need to go to therapy
just for that. Anyway, they’re doing a great job looking after me. It must be tough on
them. I think I mentioned going to therapy today, they tested me again and noticed
improvement. So, yes. I am getting better, but it’s a long journey. Your victories are
very small, but they do happen.
I want to thank my friend Julie, again, for typing this for me. That’s the profound
thought of the day.
I met with some filmmakers the other day. They do documentaries. I think this journey
would make a good documentary. They seem interested. I meet with them again soon.
If it helps one person, it’s worth it. Remember, I said it before, I’ll say it again, there’s
going to be a lot of boys and girls coming back from the wars with similar injuries.
Traumatic brain injury. This may be a tool, a way of maybe looking at the future. Not
exactly a crystal ball because everyone’s different, but it will give everyone an idea of
what to expect.
I’m going to go back to watching Sam swim in my sister’s pool. She gets along great
with my sisters kids. It’s fun to watch them play but it’s a little bittersweet. I would love
to go swimming and play with them, but yet here I sit. What a drag.
I do want to mention something. It seems right about now, things get to you mentally.
Mind you, my eyes have been jumping up and down for two years now. It’s making me
a little loopy. Only break I seem to get is when I close my eyes. I wear dark sunglasses
at the moment, so people don’t know my eyes are closed. This was what my therapist
recommended. I feel like I could go surfing again. It’s nice to wear sunglasses. It makes
me feel normal. It does look a little strange when you’re out at night. But who said I
wasn’t strange.
O.K. I’ll talk to you later.
P.S. My cousin did have a baby girl! It was a full moon, and her name is Luna. She was
born on Bastille Day. How cool is that.
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